My Brother, My Brother And Me

MBMBaM 752: A Complex Story About Beans

Episode Summary

We’re celebrating our most gruntable season yet by crafting cool sentences with all the sounds. Wanna know how to join the Donut Club, or Phil’s Inner Circle? The hit play right now, because this is when we do our jobs. Suggested Taking Points: I Am Doctor Chomp, A Huge Influx of Groundhogheads, Skin That Smokewagon, Incidental Beatles Pizza Harmony House:

Episode Notes

We’re celebrating our most gruntable season yet by crafting cool sentences with all the sounds. Wanna know how to join the Donut Club, or Phil’s Inner Circle? The hit play right now, because this is when we do our jobs.

Suggested Taking Points: I Am Doctor Chomp, A Huge Influx of Groundhogheads, Skin That Smokewagon, Incidental Beatles Pizza

Harmony House: