My Brother, My Brother And Me

MBMBaM 747: How You 'Dune, a Friends-Fremen Podcast

Episode Summary

This is your pilot speaking, if you look out the left side of the podcast, you will find a needy virtual pet. If you look out the right side, there are hundreds upon hundreds of worms in top hats crawling up from the dirt. And if you look on the wing, you’ll see a large pile of loose spaghetti and meatballs resting on top of a pizza. Enjoy your flight! Suggested talking points: I Eat Plane Wires for Food, Mandagotchi, Nerual Net with My Little Guy, Do You Have Access to the Means of Production, Classic Italian Mix-em-Up Palestine Children's Relief Fund:

Episode Notes

This is your pilot speaking, if you look out the left side of the podcast, you will find a needy virtual pet. If you look out the right side, there are hundreds upon hundreds of worms in top hats crawling up from the dirt. And if you look on the wing, you’ll see a large pile of loose spaghetti and meatballs resting on top of a pizza. Enjoy your flight!

Suggested talking points: I Eat Plane Wires for Food, Mandagotchi, Nerual Net with My Little Guy, Do You Have Access to the Means of Production, Classic Italian Mix-em-Up

Palestine Children's Relief Fund: