"Friends, we find ourselves in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. All our sitcom characters have gone missing. Well, not 'missing,' per se. We know where they are. They're in universes where they should not, CANNOT be. God help us all." Suggested talking points: All The Movies Watch, Twonies, I've Made A New Invention, Drunk Band-Joining, Triumphant Return, Guestpert: Jonah Ray, Bus Baseball Man
"Friends, we find ourselves in the midst of an unprecedented crisis. All our sitcom characters have gone missing. Well, not 'missing,' per se. We know where they are. They're in universes where they should not, CANNOT be. God help us all."
Suggested talking points: All The Movies Watch, Twonies, I've Made A New Invention, Drunk Band-Joining, Triumphant Return, Guestpert: Jonah Ray, Bus Baseball Man